
Another patrol

During Xmas holidays I came back to my house rules and tinkered with them a bit and then tried a scenario. 

I don't know about you guys but tinkering with house rules has been for me another part of the hobby that I love as much as painting, playing games and collecting and reading rulesets.

I played an US regular squad on patrol in a 80x80 cm board for DBA 3. Their mission was reaching the opposite side and come back, with a plus bonus if they get a prisoner for interrogation.

I divided my squad in a 2 men scout team on the left, a BAR section in the middle and the rest of the them with the sergeant on the right to check the big house in front of them.

The BAR section moved at the double and took position on the top of the hill, ready to give firing support, and immediately after that they spot some enemies.

Half a elite squad with a MG34 that engaged fire with them. I forgot to take pictures of the sergeant with the section killing a German scout team hidden in the house and then entering and helping the BAR section to kill the MG34 team. Only one member of the BAR section survived.

On the other side, the American scout team had almost reached their objective. Again, forgot to take pictures of German coming down the road and finishing them after a fierce shootout.

Meanwhile, German soldiers sneaked behind sargeant's boys who were finishing the MG34, and fired at some of them outside whereas assaulted the house in hand-to-hand combat. There were two rounds of intense fighting, with grenades flying from both sides and shooting through the windows.

My squad won the fight but ended with only two men standing, and more Germans were coming down the road. However, the managed to get one prisoner alive and leave the place.


So they didn't scout the whole board but brought one prisoner. There were 2 KIA, 2 maimed, another 2 in hospital and the rest recovered. I had fun so it was a victory ;-)


DBA 2.2 II/81 C Romano British army

My first entry for 2025. Although it has less bases than Numidians, it took me much more timeto finish it as the models, from Cromarty, are extremely detailed.

Full army: 1x3Kn or 3Cv (Gn), 2x3Cv, 1x 4Sp or 2LH, 7x4Sp, 1x2Ps.

This is Kn Gn and reminds me a bit to Arthur from the movie King Arthur 2004.

This is Cv Gn. Another version of King Arthur.

Happy New Year everyone!


DBA 2.2 Numidian 40/II army.

Speed paint of a very easy and fast to paint army. This is entirely from Essex.

I am playing it this evening, and I'm itching to try six light cavalry in an army and see how it goes.

Some bases got a whitish finish due to some frost effect, but I am already correcting it with a brush of matt varnish as I am writing these lines.


 Full army with all possible troops; 21 bases in total.

 Some close ups below.


DBA 2.2 Siracusans II/9 army.

The miniatures are from the range March to Hell from 3D Breed, and I quite like them because they are biffy, sharp, detailed and easy to paint. I have painted them with diluted paints but I feel they would be easier to paint with contrasts given the detail in them. 

There two minor complains about them though: they come without bases so glueing horses' narrow hooves to a base in quite tricky in 15mm; and also some figures are not too historic, but overall they are great as you can see below.

Siracusan II/9:  1x3Cv o 4Sp (Gen), 6x4Sp, 1x4Sp o 3Wb, 1x4Ax o 3Cv, 1x3/4Ax o Art, 1x2LH, 1x2Ps.

Eight Hoplite (Spear) bases in total, including general on foot (first on the left).

Slingers (Psilois), Peltasts (4Auxilia) and ballista (Art). The Artillery comes from a Roman army and the crew are Peltasts without javelins.

Two cavaly with general on white horse in the middle (he is wearing full hoplite gear) and one light horse.

Camp (Litoral) from Thingiverse. I am quite happy with how it turned out.

This army is for a campaign in the Mediterranean against my Polybian Roman and Gauls plus a Numidian army that I started painting today. Other friends from the group are building more Greeks, Persians, Macedonians and Carthaginians.


DBA in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.

Yes! After so many years, I have finally managed to form a small group of people interested in playing DBA. So far there are six of us and I hope someone else chime in later.

Here is a picture of three of them playing a evening of DBA in my house with three of my armies (Polybian Roman, Gauls and my recently painted Siracusans that I'll post in my blog as soon as I finish their camp). The fourth army we used was one already painted by one of the new recruits, Imperial Romans. The rest of them are already ordered or being printed.

Gauls vs Siracusans (1-4).

Republican vs Imperial Rome.


Even more Perrys

I've managed to paint six more soldiers and now there are only twelve from the box to go plus a medium mortar with crew, a forward observer and a doctor from another brand to finish my little project for Bolt Action and Chain of Command.


I have painted this batch with a different method that took me half the time to finish panting the one before. I painted with diluted paint, then a coat of varnish with Betumen of Judea and finally some outlining with Betumem of Judea. In the picture below you can see the soldier on the left painted as I say  and onhis right a fellow with a stronger dipping and some ligths afterwards, and they are not very different from each other.

I need to practice a little bit more with the dipping, but although a bit dirty, they are well defined. Just have a look at the jacket of this sargeant.


Chaos Chariot

 Finished Chaos Chariot for an extra punch in my army.