
DBA in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.

Yes! After so many years, I have finally managed to form a small group of people interested in playing DBA. So far there are six of us and I hope someone else chime in later.

Here is a picture of three of them playing a evening of DBA in my house with three of my armies (Polybian Roman, Gauls and my recently painted Siracusans that I'll post in my blog as soon as I finish their camp). The fourth army we used was one already painted by one of the new recruits, Imperial Romans. The rest of them are already ordered or being printed.

Gauls vs Siracusans (1-4).

Republican vs Imperial Rome.


  1. Ah that's great, you now have 5 possible opponents :) Very nice armies of course, I'm sure you had a nice evening!

    1. Thank you Phil. We had a fantastic evening and hope will be the first of many and bigger events!

  2. I wish you all good gaming!
