
Painting from the quarantine 3

I have these Chaos Knights from Gamezone for Warhammer from ages, but I stopped playing and never painted them. Now I have finally painted for Oathmark.

They are full metal jacket and reminded me of the film Exalibur, so I went for a realistic metal armour like in the pictures below instead of using different colours. I also used black for the clothes but this did not match specially well with the metal as it looks as if it is not painted but like primed in black. I should have gone for dark red or purple instead.

Anyway, now they are finished and I won't look back as I still have a lot of minis to paint.


  1. Nice minis and I'd forgotten all about Excalibur - cracking film! I think the black looks pretty good and fits their grim appearance really well.

  2. That film deeply impressed me the first time I saw it. I just downloaded it to see it again with my son. Thx for your nice comments.

  3. They look truly evil. Very nice work, Javier! The one with the mace is my favourite.

  4. Mine as well, thank you! I wasn't sure about the black

  5. Good call on the colours, they really work well (I think my favourite is the chap with the horned helmet near the top). And a good call on Camelot, what an excellent film (and they really do EVERYTHING wearing their armour in that film)! I did a few of Gamezones Imperial Knights a few years back and really enjoyed them. It was a delight having proper, heavy, metal horses rather than the same old plastic GW ones I had got so used to :-)

    1. Thanks Alan for your kind comment. The film is great and I'm seeing it this weekend again with my 15 yo son, to get hobby juices properly flowing. GW horses remind me of Disney's, childish and non believable.

  6. Sorry. 'Excalibur', don't know why I called it Camelot! Think lockdown is getting to me!

    1. Well, they're about the same thing, aren't they? ;-)

  7. Great looking paint job, yet again! I really liked Excalibur as a teenager. That and the animated Hobbit movie probably set the foundation for me really liking the fantasy genre. :)

    1. Yes! and also Tygra:Fire and Ice from Frazetta and Bakshi :)
