Porto was a humble hobby shop that has been opened since 1.998 and that has survived many other hobby shops in this small city, firstly because its friendly and helpful atmosphere, and later also because its good management.
La vieja tienda.
Ye olde shoppe.
Ye olde shoppe.
A few years back Adolfo took charge of the shop and since then it has been growing and growing to the point of opening today a new and much bigger and modern shop. The new local has around 200 square metres, 10 gaming boards, air conditioning and anything you may need for the hobby.
La nueva Porto.
The new Porto
Personally, I'm very happy as this new shop is going to devote not only to Games Workshop games but also to historical ones such as DBA, Impetus, Blitzkrieg Commander, Disposable Heroes, Nuts! and Flames of War among others. So yes, I'm very happy, because for the first time after more than 25 years of wargaming in this city, I'm going to have an authentic shop where to find anything I may need for the hobby and where to find opponents to historicals!
Lander terminando los 10 nuevos tableros para DBA. ¡Pronto habrá un torneo!
Lander finishing the ten new boards for DBA. Soon we'll have a tournament!
If you live abroad and someday you visit Las Palmas, do not forget to come by and play some games with us. If you live in the island, you simply cannot miss this.
De izquierda a derecha, yo haciendo de reportero y Adolfo, el manager.
From left to right, me visiting the shop and Adolfo the manager.
From left to right, me visiting the shop and Adolfo the manager.
I would love to live in Las Palmas
You come here on your holidays: excellent weather, long golden beaches, surf, booze, hot chicks and now wargaming! ;-)
ReplyDeleteBTW, Where do you exactly live? I have a very close friend in Antibes who wargames.
I'm from Lyon. If, one day, I spend a holiday in the area I will not fail to say hello to you (and, I hope, play a few Two Hour Wargames games).