
Oggi, tunnel dweller, and some skinny neighbours

This post is to show my latest painted Dwarf who is joining Sven's group in the next episode, plus some enemies.

The Dwarf is from BTD and sculpted by Kevin Adams and the skeletons from Foundry.

I love these Dwarfs so full of character.

I went for a quick and easy painting in black and bone. After that, I splashed some diluted pigment on them to get that brown touch on bones.

Happy Christmas to you all, fellow wargamers!!!


  1. They all look great! Merry Christmas to you and your family! 🌲🌲

  2. Cheers Simon, I wish Merry Xmas too to you and your family! :)

  3. I have to agree with you about the Kev Adams dwarves. After seeing this I may have to dig out some of my old citadel era ones. Nice technique on the skeletons too.

  4. The use of pigments on them turned out to be a good idea IMHO. Hope to see you some of your old school minis painted in your blog. Cheers!
