
DBA II/11 Gallic army

It's painted for DBA 2.2 and 3.0, but I have to paint one more base of cavalry (waiting for their shields).

As Essex did not send me any command miniatures, I had them printed. These are from Cromarty. Sadly the primer spoiled the miniatures as it left their surface like sand.

These are the chariots. The horses are a bit small but I quite like them overall.

This is the full army including a camp that I also had printed.

And here you can see face to face the Gallic vs the Republican Roman army, also with a printed camp.

For somebody from the 70-80s like me, 3D printing is like magic!

Someone may be interested in comparing old metal figures with new resin printed ones. I'd say they mix rather well.

The resin ones have more proportinate heads but I think the bigger ones get better effect from distance.

Here's another comparative picture with foot units.

Now let's see if I can lure somebody to play a few games with them. Cheers.


  1. Excellent armies! Once again, the 15mm master painters have my deepest respect, because it really is a very small scale... And I love your camps :)

    1. Thank you Phil! Yes, the camps are great and I am very happy with them. 3D printing is marvellous!

  2. Fantastic work as usual Javier, especially the shields.
    The camps are great.

    1. Thank you Ben! I'm upset with what the primer did to the resin figures, but overall pleased with the finished project. Shame I cannot find anyone to play a few games with.
