
Chaos Sorcerer on horse

I needed a fast moving spell casting platform for TOW so I painted this guy. It is a 3d print from an old GW's Chaos Sorcerer and I hope he will bring me joy on the battlefield.



  1. Nice version of an old classic. All the cut and dark metal should fit in really nicely with the rest of your horsemen.

  2. I agree with you. Actually, I almost took a picture of him next to the cavalry. Cheers!

  3. Very nice figure, exactly the kind of character I would hate to meet on a battlefield: fast on horse, heavily armoured, and casting fireballs everywhere, a (reliable) tank in a Fantasy battle! I hope that it costs a lot, so that your opponent has a possibility to resist :D

    1. You see, a Chaos army needs to march forward to get in hand-to-hand combat as soon as possible, and a sorcerer on foot goes too slow if he doen't march and if he marches he cannot cast spells, so I hope that now he's mounted, he'll be able to get close to the enemy while casting all kinds of spells :) Cheers!

    2. Ah yes... I've never played against a Chaos army, but I think I get it - dozens of brutes running straight to you as soon as possible! :)

    3. Basicallh yes :) Your beautiful Orcs however are more flexible and they have shock troops but also a lot of artillery and shooter as well.
