
The infected trees

From the book:

"Examining the bodies of the zombies, along with the other clues from the village, left little doubt. The village had been attacked by some horrific species of giant spider, whose venom reanimated the dead. Thankfully, such creatures move slowly. Likely, they will have retreated to the nearest shelter to slowly feast upon the missing villagers. Your duty is clear. Taking just enough time to patch up your wounds, and make a quick pyre for the dead, you set off after the spiders, following their faint, but unique tracks. After nearly a day’s pursuit, the tracks lead into a small forest. Chances are the spiders are not too deep in the woods. You must find them, destroy them and any nests they might have made, and, if you are lucky, rescue any survivors."
There are 5 coccons to check (yellow tokens) and 5 giant spiders (from Halloween). Our heroes have to explore the cocoons, burn the infected trees and rescue as many survivors as possible.

The barbarian checks the first coccon and meet a zombie who is quickly dispatched by the archer.

On the right the Ranger meets most of the giant spiders.

A new infected tree is sighted, together with one more giant spider and a treasure.

After killing the first wave of spiders our heroes register another cocoon, but it is too late for the unfortunate victim.

 The barbarian takes down two spiders all by himself but after that he got trapped in some spider webs.

Seeing the area cleared, the archer boldly advances and rescues another villager.

Lo and behold! After spending several turns trying to escape from the sticky spiderweb, the barbarian falls into a new one.

Another survivor is saved.

Again it is too late for one of them.

With all the monsters eliminated, the heroes proceed to burn all the trees before it is too late.

After killing 8 giant spiders and 1 zombie and exploring all 5 coccons and burn the 5 trees, the party got a total of 83 points of experience, reaching 100 points enough to raise some stats and skills.

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