
the Beacon Tower. Tor Varden lower level

From the book: 

"After the encounter at the bridge, you and your companions were able to slip past a couple of other gnoll patrols and reach Tor Varden. There were no guards posted outside, and very little indication of anyone inside. Then a muffled scream came from somewhere in the tower. It was a sign both good and ill. There is at least one man alive in Tor Varden, but you might already be too late to save him. You will need to move fast"

The vulture escaped alive and brought news to the tower so they were ready for the party.

 They entered into the armoury and there were two Gnoll sergeants and an archer waiting for them.


The ranger and the archer shoot and kill one sergeant and the other one falls back. The Gnoll archer misses.

The dog chases and finishes the Gnoll archer whereas the rest gang on the sargeant and kill him. The conjuror finds a philtre of fairy dust and the ranger later gets a magic sword with two uses.


They move to the torture chamber on time to try to rescue one of the soldiers of the tower!

But it is too late for him as the group is too busy fighting all those pesky Gnolls.

Again they make it on time on the third room to catch a Gnoll shaman in his workshop trying to awake a Flesh Golem! (the ranger is right behind the door and inside the third room). The conjuror gets a dose of fury leaves from the Gnoll sargeant from the torture chamber.

At the end of the third turn in the workshop, the shaman is still alive and able to revive the Flesh Golem.

The Flesh Golem attacks the barbarian while the shaman flees.

And helped by the ranger's mastiff, they destroy the monster. Then the shaman tries to escape to the upper level but is caught by members of the party and is slayed on the stairs.


The party got 44 XP and proceeded to the upper level of the tower.


  1. Oh yes, you're playing Rangers of Shadow Deep! I don't have this ruleset, but the illustrations (and figures) are very attractive. I thought at first that it was a Conan adventure, because of your barbarian figure :) I really love your adventure report (and your figs of course but you already know it for sure). Just because I am curious, where does the dog come from ? The Revell Conquistadores set ?

    1. The barbarian is just one of the ranger's followers. The dog is from old GW's Mordheim witch hunters: http://www.solegends.com/citcat2004us/c2004usp1002-01.htm . If you're interested in discussing about RotSD pass me an email that I won't publish here. Cheers,

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. The simple blocks for terrain work really well.

    1. Yes. They're wood block I got from a carpenter and I've been using them successfully for all kind of games, even sci-fi.
