
The deserted village

I am revisiting Rangers of the Shadow Deep but in 1/72 scale, my favourite one. I am using miniatures from Caesar, Dark Alliance, Hät, Zvezda and I am also printing those that are not available, like my Ranger character and his dog which are 28mm downscaled models.

Another new thing I'm introducing is a different move and combat system as I am not fond of d20 system.

So the starting band is my Ranger and his four followers, his wardog, a barbarian, an archer, and a conjurer that are visiting a deserted village in search of Aventine, a veteran ranger who disappeared three days ago. The yellow tokens are clues to explore and two of them are inside locked buildings.

My ranger and his trustworthy dog hasten to check the closest clue hidden in the building but they are stopped by giant rats and zombies!

The barbarian charges alone one of the zombies while the archer shoots at them from the centre of the village. The caster runs to help my ranger.

The barbarian easily dispatches with one mighty blow one zombie and then dashes back into a new one to help his comrade.

But more enemies are coming and they both suffer injuries.

The caster search in the building but only finds some herbs. Disappointed, the ranger rushes towards another clue and he finds a mutilated body with strange bite marks that he does not identify.

Time is running so he quickly goes after the next clue while he dodges zombies, and lets his dog deal with them.

The caster finds a survivor hiding in the bushes!

The ranger is attacked from behind and results wounded by a giant rat.

He falls back and heals while his dog deals with the evil creature once again, and then he investigates the clue in the tress and finds a treasure!

Time was up before the caster and the survivor could reach to the last clue, and they neither find Aventine nor his sword.

The ranger (I have to put names to all the membes of the band) got 74 experience points and his followers two points each. They also get a healing potion and some iron bark powder.

The alternative combat system responded very well so I am sticking with it for the incoming encounter.


  1. That's a good start to the game, even if you did not find Aventine. Where did you get the buildings you use? Also, will you post your combat system? I'm interested in a combat system that is less random, although I have become more comfortable with it after playing a lot of games of Rangers.

    1. Hey, glad you see back around here :)
      I am more than happy to share my humble notes with you but it's more than one page so maybe it'd be better if you pass me an email?
      Building are from Dave Graffam and I bought them in Drivethru rpg.

    2. I have been reading your posts but could not comment until I finally realised that the problem was my cookie blocker! I thought the buildings looked familiar. I like the Dave Graffam stuff but wish more of the buildings had interiors. Yes, please do email the rules to me at ruarighdale AT gmail DOT com. It will be good to see what the options are, especially as I am planning a solo Frostgrave campaign for after I have finished Rangers of Shadow Deep

    3. Thank you. All received and I am looking forward to reading them

    4. Hope you might find them useful somehow :)

  2. Great report Javier. Your own combat system obviously worked well.

    1. Thank you Jack. I'm still testing it and have a problem adapting gaining experience in RotSD with my own system.
