

After my last skirmish game from my ITEN campaign in 6mm I felt the itch of painting some more 6 mm minis, so I picked up these pseudo Cachatan minis from Dark Realm that my friend SpaceJacker generously gave me and here is the result.

Pics clickable.

Normally I prime in black for such smaller figures to get a greater contrast, but my eyesight has worsened with the age and now I cannot distinguish a thing if I undercoat in black. So I primed in white, block coloured, then washed them with GW's Badab Black and finally highlighted with the original base colours.

They do not turned up to bright as with black undercoat but at least I could paint them.


  1. Very impressive, especially considering how tiny they are!

  2. These are very very nicely painted soldiers, Sir, in my opinion. Very well done!

  3. Molan, muy bbien pintadas, pero en serio, ¿realmente merece la pena pintar 6mm individualmente con la vasta variedad de miniaturas en 10mm y 15mm que existe?

    Yo los seis sólo para regimientos, en serio

  4. Bueno Slorm, yo prefiero jugar en 15 mm pero del mundo 40K sólo hay 6 y 28 mm y de 28 paso totalmente así que sólo me quedan los 6mm, que además ya tengo en mi casa y en cantidad.
    De hecho ya tengo Orkos en 15 mm (los de Ion Age) y estoy pensando qué usar de Marines Espaciales. Mientras tanto me divierto con Epic.

  5. Thanks for the kind compliments guys. Indeed they are really tiny, like I don't think I'll paint again such scale on individual bases.

  6. Great work - and 6mm too! Excellent!

  7. Para los marines, Newe Israelian de Ground Zero Miniatures

  8. Bonitas figuras pero en nada se asemejan a los marines espaciales de GW.

  9. Awesome work, glad to see you got some use from them!

  10. I still have much work to match yours!
    Thank you very much for these wonderful minis.

  11. Those are fantastic. I can't remember where I saw it, but someone dry brushed with a little white or gray after priming black. The dry brush picked out the detail so you could see to paint it. I thought it was clever.
