
Testing Hail Caesar!



  1. Looks like an interesting battle. Only vaguely familiar with WA and not at all with HC. I've been wondering what effect multiple stands per unit and command rolls would have on RRtK?

    1. Never thought about that but I don't think it would work as they are totally different systems. I mean, in RRtK a unit can suffer many hits and are never the same as they can fail a test in any moment whereas in Warmster each base has three hits and each unit is composed of three bases or stands.
      The battle was OK but in the end it was more or less the same than playing WA.

  2. Great layout and review, I have to admit, I am not pretty much sold on RRtK for historical scraps ;)

    1. Thank you Monty. Regarding RRtK, either historical or fantasy, I'm using it for solo gaming.
      To play with friends I use Warmaster, DBA, HC or any other rulesets.
      Which is your favourite ruleset to play historics?
