
Legolas and Gimli

Two more for the Fellowship of the Ring in 1/72; next Gandalf and Gollum. I love these figures but especially Legolas as he is very dynamic.

I'm happy how he turned out. I used Vallejo paints. He's got Russian uniform for his trousers, Reflective green for his tunis and German Fieldgrey for his cloak. Then flat brown for boots, flat Earth for bow and Mahoganey for leather straps and belt.

Here it is a comparative shot with one 1/72 soft plastic Caesar Elf. Legolas is slightly less taller than the Caesar's one because he has no integrated base.


  1. Awesome work as usual Javier! And it is an excellent figure for Legolas.

  2. Thank you Ben, nice to see you around too :)

  3. Yeah is less tall, but he looks likes he's hunched because he's aiming
