
My son's First Blood.

Today we finally played a long promised game to my 8 years old son. He had finished painting his second miniature, a plastic Dwarf f from the Skull Pass, and wanted to test it on the battlefield. 
He also wanted to kill some Orcs, so I grabbed another Dwarf and quickly set up a game of WHAA from THW which is perfect to introduce somebody to wargaming as it can be played cooperatively.

Esta mañana finalmente jugué con mi hijo de 8 años una partida que le tenía prometida desde hacía tiempo. Acababa de terminar su segunda mini, un enano de la caja del Paso de la Calavera, y quería probarlo. También quería matar unos cuantos Orcos así que me pillé un enano y rápidamente preparé una partida de WHAA de THW que es perfecto para introducir a alguien en el mundo del wargame ya que se puede jugar cooperativamente.

He soon mastered the ruler. 
Enseguida le cogió el truco a la cinta métrica.

So we were two Dwarfs, me Rep 5, AC 5, 2H Axe, 2 throwing axes, and my Son's Rep 4, AC 5 + shield, axe and two throwing axes, who were walking by the road to a village which had been raided by some evil Orcs.

Así que eramos dos enanos que iban por la carretera camino de un aldea atacada por los orcos.
 The solitaire Dwarf at the bottom is my son's
El enano solitario al fondo es el de mi hijo

It was his first game and in the beginning he was a bit shy and afraid of being killed so I stepped forward and killed the first two Orcs. He participated in the melee against the third one but I killed it as well. In that moment he was a bit frustrated and wanted to resolve immediately the last PEF (Possible Enemy Force counter) to kill something!

Este era su primera partida y tenía miedo de que lo mataran asi que fui delante y maté a los dos primeros orcos. Luego me ayudó contra el tercero aunque también lo maté yo. Aquí ya estaba el pobre un poco frustrado y deseando matar algo.

Helping daddy to kill the baddies
Ayudando a papi a matar a los malos

The last PEF resulted to be three Orcs to my son disappointment as he wanted to fight against one of the river Trolls I have. The three Orcs charged and I killed one with a throwing axe and another in melee. My son failed his throwing axe but could slain the Orc in hand to hand combat. His first blood! 
That was also the end of the game.

La última PFE se transformó en tres orcos y mi hijo se quedó un poco decepcionado porque no salió ningún troll de los que tengo en la vitrina. Los tres orcos cargaron y yo maté a uno lanzandole una de las hachas arrojadizas y a otro más en melé. Mi hijo lanzó otra hacha pero falló, aunque luego mató al orco en combate cuerpo a cuerpo. ¡Su primera sangre!
Esto también fue el fin de la partida.

Final showdown

Straight afterwards I grabbed one Troll and pitched against our two Dwarfs to show my son how dangerous can be such a beast. We both charged the Troll who counter charged us and killed my son with one telling blow. Then the Troll charged at me and kill me outright as well. After that my son thought we were lucky for not meeting with one Troll on the game, although now he is pestering me to buy some more Trolls for him :)

Justo después cogí un troll y lo enfrenté contra nuestros dos enanos para enseñarle a mi hijo lo peligroso que podía ser un troll. Lo atacamos pero nos interrumpió y mató de un poderoso golpe a mi hijo; luego me cargó a mí y me machacó de otro golpe. Después de esto mi hijo me dijo que menos mal que no nos encontramos con ningún troll durante la partida, aunque ahora anda dandome la lata con que le compre unos trolls :)


  1. Great skirmish...and with your son...wonderful!! So, he's thrown in with the powerful opposition, huh?!

    1. LOL, not quite. Now he wants to kill Space Orks with a machine gun :)

  2. This is so very cool! Great battle report too!

    1. yep, we were two kids playing with toys :)

  3. Wonderful, looks like he made a great job of that dwarf. My eldest son is 4, can I even wait another 4 years?

    1. Thank you Enry. To be honest he base coloured it and then I dipped and highlighted it a bit!
      I think that with 6 years old you can start playing with him to some games. Wings of War is really good for this.

  4. : ) Wonderful post and a fine looking boy you have there. My nine year old plays with me sometimes too. He does not like to play co-op though which is a shame ad it would be much more fun for me that way : (

    1. Thank you Bob! I'm the proud father, what can I say? :)
      Regarding co-op, it is like that to introduce him into wargaming but he's already telling me he's going to kick my ass with some trolls I must buy for him ;-)

    2. : ) That is fantastic!! I love kids. Whenever I get a package my son inspects it to see what looks the "hardest" and then badgers me to play a game where he controls that figure : )

  5. Very good! Future of the hobby is in good hands. Dean

    1. Yes! Now I have somebody to bequeath all my miniatures ;-)

  6. great bat rep. I hope I'll do the same with my son in a few years.

    1. Sure! and he has a great wargaming daddy to play with!
      thank you

  7. Nice little batrep. good to see one so young interested

    1. Yes, I've been waiting 8 years for this! :)

  8. Huzzah! I've been meaning to get in a game with my son. He has a bunch of skeletons, we just need some knights. Hope it is the first of many fun games with your son.

    1. Thank you Sean. I hope to see soon a batrep of you and your son :)

  9. Nothing better than slaying Orks with your son - nice one! ;)

  10. Great report! I'm gaming lately with my 9 years daughter too. It's always a great time!

    1. Thank you Brutpaul. Are you playing MAM with your daughter? :)

    2. At the moment we play a little ATH campaign which will eventually flow into the next MAM episode. Thanks for asking ;)

  11. Excellent, enjoy it until he learns about girls. But the come around eventually!

    1. Oh Ed don't spoil this moment! LOL!
      I remember my youth between girls, booze, surf and wargaming all together. I was a very bad student ;-)

  12. Great stuff - gotta watch them Trolls!

    My son is four and I can't wait to get playing Heroquest with him in a few years...

    1. Your son is fortunate for having a father with such collection of old school minis. Do you want to adopt me? ;-)

    2. I don't know about adoption - best thing about other people's kids is that you can give them back at the end of the day! ;)

  13. ¡Enhorabuena por su primera sangre! Seguro que será imparable con esos "futuros" trolls.

    1. Gracias Tito! Ya sabes como son los críos, quieren las tropas más burras para machacar al contrario, y esto GW lo sabe bien! :D

    2. Lo sé, tengo una sobrina de la edad de tu chico. La palabra "derrota" no existe en su vocabulario. ¡Cuánto le quedan por aprender!

  14. Well done! My 9 year old daughter hasn't really gotten into the games yet, but she has been helping me build and pain Starship Trooper bugs and some medieval buildings. I just have to be patient -- like with the medieval town pub that she painted a smiley face on! But it's all good because we are doing it together. It's really great to see other fathers enjoying the hobby with their kids. Thanks for sharing!

    1. But she's a lady and naturally is more inclined to the artistic part than to war.
      Yes I think playing games and painting armies with your kids is an unsuspected and very pleasant new part of the hobby.
      Thank you!

  15. Fantastic battle report - I love using THW for teaching kids (I taught my 5 year-old daughter Swordplay [http://www.thewargamingaddict.com/wargaming-with-kids-me-and-my-daughter-play-a-wargame/] and she loved it. I think it does great things for their imagination when they get involved in these games from a young age. Am going to do some dungeon delving with her when THW releases WH-L later this month.

  16. Yes, I think THW products are perfect for this as they can be played coop.
    I loved the face of your daughter responsing your taunts. She had a great time with dad :)
