They look much better in these pics than how they really are, but anyway.
I painted them with dipping and then highlighted with the same base colours, and finally added the camouflage strips. They are based on coins of 5 cents of euro.
I'm planning to use them for Nuts! and when I paint some more, for Disposable Heroes.
I'm not convinced with the results (taking into account that it's speed painting), and I'm thinking to use the same technique with the next batch, but using GW's Devlan Mud and Ogryn Flesh instead of the traditional dipping.
Pictures are clickable.
I'll be using the officer as tank commander.
The camouflage pattern above resulted better than this one IMO.
By the way, if you are thinking about buying some of these nice models, I suggest you to look for them in Ebay first. From experience I can tell you will find them new, cheaper and with better service.